What can I do if I believe my estimated read is inaccurate?
If your bill is based on an estimated read that you believe to be inaccurate, you can send us your own actual meter reading and request an adjustment to your bill. Please note that this is only possible for accumulation meters (not digital) and gas meters. You will need to submit your meter reading prior to your payment due date, and within 10 days of the estimated read date.
To do this, please take a clear photo of your meter display and send it to customerservice@discoverenergy.com.au. Alternatively, you can submit a self read through our app, which you can download from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Please read our self-meter read article for more instructions.
Please be aware that Discover Energy will not accept self reads where:
- the received photo is not clear and readable
- the photo does not include the meter serial number, the meter read, and the date
- the self read is received after the payment due date
- the self read meter value is lower than a previous actual read
If your adjustment request is rejected, we will endeavour to contact you promptly with an explanation.
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