General Information for rates change
We review our rates every year based on wholesale, network, retail and other costs. The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) also reviews the Default Market Offer prices each year, which take effect from 1 July. The Default Market Offer affects what we can charge electricity customers on our Standing Offer Rate for Residential and Small Business plans in NSW, SA and QLD. The Australian Energy Regulator and the Networks update their prices on the 1st July each year, and we will where necessary, update our rates on the same date.
If rates change who will be affected by the change?
If, after our review we implement a rate change the following customers may be impacted:
- Residential and Small business customers on a standing offer in NSW, QLD and SA for electricity and or gas.
- Residential and Small business customers on a market offer in NSW, QLD and SA for electricity and or gas.
How can I find out if I am affected by a rate change?
We will send you notice via email, or post (where necessary) if your rates are changing from 1 July. You will also be able to view your new rates on your first bill issued after the date your rates change. You can also find a copy of your rates in MyAccount
Will my concession rate change too?
Concession rates are set by the state Government and may change from year to year. To find out if there are changes in your concessions click here
Will my Feed in Tariff change too?
If you are currently receiving a feed-in tariff for your solar generation any changes to your feed-in tariff will be included in your notice if relevant.
Will other fees and charges change?
Some changes to fees and charges may occur to view if there are any changes to your fees and charges please click here
What if I only just signed up to Discover Energy?
If your rates are changing as part of the annual review of rates all retailers are subject to and you have only recently signed up, then our current rates and charges apply to you up until the 30th June and the new rates and charges apply from 1 July. If you have signed up but will not transfer to us until after 1 July then only the new rates and charges will apply to you.
If your rates are changing as part of an internal review of rates or in response to your network changing your tariffs and you've only recently signed up, we apologise for the frustration this timing has caused. Unfortunately, circumstances can change at the drop of a hat, and we aren't always able to provide notice of impending rates changes. However, we assure you there is no intent to trick or deceive our customers into signing up by intentionally offering lower rates than we can provide long term. In these instances, your new rates will take effect on the date stated in the email you received from us.
What if my bill covers a period before and after a rate change?
If your rates change during a billing cycle any supply and usage charges accumulated up until the rate change date will be charged on previous rates, and supply and usage charges accumulated from the rate change date onwards will charged on the new rates.
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