I have Life Support Equipment. What should I do if the power goes out unexpectedly?

It's important to be prepared in the event of a power outage, either planned or unplanned.  Use the checklist below to help you prepare a plan for if the power goes out..

Getting started

  • Have you registered as a life support customer and are all your contact details up to date?

Know Your Equipment: if a power outage occurs, does your equipment need:

  • A regularly charged backup battery?
  • A surge protector to protect it when the power comes back on?
  • A UPS (uninterruptible power supply) for temporary back up power
  • Reserve oxygen cylinders and are they filled and working?

During a power outage

  • Do you have a phone that will work when the power is out and is it kept charged?
  • Could you ask a neighbour to check on you during a power outage
  • Keep your local network distributors emergency number handy (you will find this number on your bill or they are all listed here.)
  • Have you discussed emergency arrangements with your medical practitioner/carer during outages?

If you need to travel

  • Do you know how to transport your medical equipment if necessary?
  • Do you have emergency contact details handy? E.g. doctor, hospital, neighbour or local taxi service?
  • Does your hospital have backup generators that could supply life support equipment?

You can download a handy printable version of this checklist here which also includes space to write any emergency contact details you may wish to record.  It may be useful to keep these contact details written down in the event that you can't access them electronically due to a power outage.

Your safety and wellbeing is very important to us so it's important that you keep us advised of any changes to your circumstances.  This includes changes to your phone number and postal address.  You can update these details via My Account or by calling us on 1300 658 519

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