What is life support?

Your site is eligible for life support protection if you, or anyone residing at the site rely on any of the equipment below.

  • Oxygen concentrator 
  • Intermittent peritoneal dialysis machine
  • Kidney dialysis machine 
  • Chronic positive airways pressure respirator 
  • Crigler-Najjar syndrome phototherapy equipment 
  • Ventilator for life support 
  • Any other equipment (whether fuelled by electricity or gas) that a registered medical practitioner certifies is required for life support, or a medical condition which requires continued supply of electricity or gas.

It's very important that you let us know if you use any of the equipment mentioned above at your property.  By registering your account for Life Support, you will receive advance warning of any planned outages performed by the retailer (for example; a smart meter exchange) or by the local network distributor (for example: maintenance on the network), and special assistance in the case of an unplanned outage.

If you believe you require life support, please contact us on 1300 658 519 or customerservice@discoverenergy.com.au as soon as possible so we can help you register your account.

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