How do I submit a self meter read?

Gas and electricity meters are either read manually by a regular meter reader, or will automatically communicate your consumption data back to the network remotely, depending on what kind of meter you have. If the network can't obtain an actual read of your meter/s at the end of a billing cycle, they will supply us with an estimated read instead. If you are unhappy with the estimate, you may be able to take and submit a self meter read to have your bill reviewed.

There are strict but simple requirements for taking and submitting a self meter read. You must take a photo that clearly shows the whole face of the meter, including the meter reading and the meter number/s*. The photo must also include something with the day's date on it to show when the photo was taken - this could be a second phone/tablet/device or a newspaper, but the date must be visible and legible. The self meter read must be submitted before the due date of the bill in question. And self meter reads are only accepted from basic meters - these are also known as accumulation meters and may have analogue or digital displays; self meter reads are not accepted from interval meters.

If your photo doesn't meet the requirements listed above, or if we believe the meter is faulty or has been tampered with, it may be rejected. Please see below for examples of acceptable self meter reads.

You can take and submit your self meter read directly through the Discover Energy app. Alternatively, you can take the photo with your smart device and email it through to Your network may also have a portal to submit a self read directly to them*.


Gas Meter:



Electricity Meter:





*Some sites have multiple meters for the one energy type. If you have multiple meters, please ensure that you take a photo of each meter as part of your self meter read submission. If you aren't sure what your meter numbers are, you can find them on the last page of your Discover Energy bill under the Meter Reads heading. If you are not currently with Discover Energy, you can check your meter numbers with your current retailer.


** List of networks and self-meter read submission requirements

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