How Do I Read My Electricity Meter?
Help us find your meter for accurate bill
If you have a basic meter, your meter needs to be read on the scheduled date. This is done by a technician from your distributor.
Basic meters require someone to physically attend the property to read it, which happens once every three months. If you are not sure when your scheduled meter read date is, visit My Account.
Based on the in-person meter read data provided by your distributor, we calculate your bill on the energy you have used. If your meter is cannot be read on the scheduled read date, we issue your bill using an estimate of your energy usage provided by your distributor.
We are required to complete a meter read at least once every 12 months and your responsibility is to assist them with safe and clear access. Keep pets in a safe and secure place on your scheduled meter read date (please allow 2~3 days before and after) for a technician to visit your house for a meter read. Clear away anything blocking access such as building materials and grown plants. If there is something happening around your home that makes access difficult, please let us know.
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